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Why Page Builders Are a Problem Rather Than a Solution

Written by Albert Hu

When I first started in web development, I loved the ease of use that page builder provides. They are user-friendly and allow non-technical individuals to create and edit web pages intuitively.

You can quickly set up a website that has many features by installing plug-ins.

Do you want your website to have a scheduling feature? There’s a plugin for that.

Do you want your website to have some cool interactive animations? There’s a plugin for that.

Most page builders come with extensive libraries of pre-designed templates and modules, speeding up the design process.

I thought I was doing my clients a favor by helping them set up a website with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress that are built from scratch. However, using page builders still requires a slight learning curve. And it turns out that a lot of my clients still sought out my technical expertise to help them edit their websites.

Over the years, I learned that solely relying on CMS and page builders to set up your website, which tends to be the pillar of many online marketing campaigns, comes with very severe drawbacks that limit a business from growing.

Limited Customization

One of the most significant drawbacks of page builders is their inherent limitation on customization. While they offer a range of pre-designed templates and modules, these templates often come with predefined structures that can be challenging to deviate from. This limitation becomes apparent when you need to create unique and highly customized designs that don't fit neatly into the templates provided. Achieving complex layouts or incorporating unconventional design elements can require extensive workarounds, custom coding, or even abandoning the page builder altogether. This can lead to frustration and compromise the creative vision of web designers and developers.

Code Bloat

Page builders tend to generate code that is unnecessarily complex and bloated. This excess code can have a detrimental impact on website performance. Bloated code results in larger file sizes, which means longer loading times for your web pages. Slow-loading websites not only frustrate visitors but can also harm your search engine rankings. Search engines like Google consider page speed as a ranking factor, so a poorly performing website may need help to achieve high visibility in search results. Furthermore, the extra code can make it challenging to debug and maintain your website, as it's often convoluted and harder to understand than handcrafted code.

Lock-In Effect

Many page builders use proprietary systems, which can lead to a lock-in effect. Once you've built your website using a specific page builder, migrating to a different platform or CMS can be a daunting and costly endeavor. You may find yourself tied to a particular page builder's ecosystem, making it challenging to switch to a more suitable solution if your needs change or if you want to explore alternative options. This lack of flexibility can limit your ability to adapt and grow your website as your business or project evolves. It's essential to consider the long-term implications of this lock-in effect when choosing a page builder for your web development project.

Compatibility Issues

Compatibility issues can be a recurring headache when relying on page builders for web development. These issues can manifest in several ways. First, updates to the core WordPress software or the page builder itself can sometimes lead to compatibility problems with other themes or plugins. This can result in unexpected errors, broken functionality, or even complete website crashes. Dealing with these compatibility issues often requires prompt troubleshooting, potentially causing downtime and affecting the user experience.

Moreover, as page builders add a layer of complexity to your website, they may not always play well with other WordPress themes and plugins. Some themes and plugins are not designed with page builders in mind, leading to conflicts that require time-consuming debugging and potentially custom coding to resolve. These compatibility challenges can hinder your ability to take full advantage of the rich WordPress plugin ecosystem and may limit your website's functionality.

In essence, while page builders promise convenience, they can sometimes introduce complexities that affect the stability and compatibility of your website. Web developers and site owners need to be prepared to address these issues promptly to ensure a smooth and trouble-free user experience.

Learning Curve

Page builders are often marketed as tools that simplify web development, making it accessible to a broader audience. While they do offer a degree of ease, it's important to recognize that there is still a learning curve associated with using them effectively, especially for more complex projects.

For beginners, the initial setup and interface of a page builder can be straightforward, allowing them to create basic web pages with ease. However, as projects become more intricate and design requirements more specific, users often encounter challenges that require a deeper understanding of the page builder's features and capabilities. This learning curve can become steeper when trying to achieve unique or unconventional design elements that may not be well-supported by the page builder's templates or modules.

Additionally, the rapid evolution of page builder tools means that users need to stay updated with new features and changes, which can add to the learning curve. This ongoing learning requirement can be time-consuming, particularly for those who initially chose page builders to save time on web development.

In summary, while page builders aim to simplify web development, there is still a learning curve associated with using them effectively, especially when dealing with complex projects or advanced design requirements. Users should be prepared to invest time in mastering their chosen page builder to harness its full potential.

Performance Concerns

Performance is a critical aspect of any website, as it directly impacts user experience, search engine rankings, and overall site success. Unfortunately, page builders can introduce several performance-related concerns that web developers and site owners must be aware of.

One of the primary performance concerns with page builders is the generation of excess code and scripts. Page builders are designed to be versatile and accommodate various design elements and functionalities. However, this versatility often comes at the cost of efficiency. As a result, page builders can produce HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that is far more extensive and complex than what's necessary for a particular web page. This code bloat can lead to longer loading times, affecting the website's speed and overall user experience.

Additionally, page builders may load a multitude of scripts and stylesheets to support their features. These scripts can add extra HTTP requests, slowing down page load times. Furthermore, because page builders cater to a wide range of potential design choices, they often include numerous design elements, some of which may not be used on a particular page. This means that your website could be loading resources that aren't needed, contributing to poor performance.

Addressing these performance concerns typically requires optimization efforts, such as code cleanup, asset optimization, and script consolidation. However, these optimizations can be more challenging with page builders due to the complex and interwoven nature of their code. As a result, achieving top-notch performance on a website built with a page builder may require more effort and expertise.

In conclusion, performance concerns are a significant drawback when using page builders for web development. They can lead to slower loading times, negatively impacting user experience and SEO rankings. To mitigate these concerns, developers and site owners must be prepared to invest additional time and effort into optimizing and fine-tuning their page builder-based websites for performance.

Cost Over Time

Page builders are often marketed as cost-effective solutions for web development because they can significantly reduce upfront development costs. However, it's important to consider the long-term cost implications when using these tools.

While page builders may save you money initially, the ongoing costs associated with maintaining and expanding your website can add up over time. Here's why:

  1. Licenses and Renewals: Many page builders operate on a subscription-based model. This means you'll need to renew your license periodically to continue receiving updates and support. Over the years, these subscription fees can accumulate.
  2. Add-Ons and Extensions: Page builders often offer premium add-ons or extensions that provide additional features. If your project's requirements grow or change, you may find yourself purchasing these add-ons, increasing your overall investment.
  3. Customization Costs: As your website evolves, you may encounter limitations with your page builder when trying to implement custom or advanced features. Overcoming these limitations may require hiring developers or purchasing custom coding services, incurring additional expenses.
  4. Maintenance and Updates: Regular maintenance is crucial to keep your website secure and up-to-date. Page builder-based websites may require more extensive maintenance efforts due to the potential for conflicts and compatibility issues. These additional maintenance tasks can result in ongoing costs.
  5. Performance Optimization: Achieving optimal performance on a page builder-based website often requires significant optimization work. This can include code cleanup, asset optimization, and script consolidation, all of which may necessitate ongoing investments in development time or expertise.
  6. Scalability Costs: If your website's traffic and functionality requirements grow, you may need to invest in scaling up your hosting infrastructure or purchasing additional resources, which can increase your operational costs.

In essence, while page builders may offer a cost-effective solution in the short term, it's essential to consider the long-term cost of ownership. Depending on your project's complexity and growth trajectory, the cumulative expenses associated with page builder-based websites can surpass those of a custom-built solution in the long run. Therefore, it's crucial to evaluate your project's scalability and evolving needs when deciding whether a page builder is the right choice for your web development endeavors.

Security Risks

Website security is a paramount concern for every web developer and site owner. While page builders aim to simplify web development, they can introduce certain security risks that need to be carefully managed.

One of the primary security concerns with page builders is their reliance on third-party code. Many page builders use various libraries, scripts, and dependencies to provide their features and functionality. These dependencies, if not maintained properly, can become security vulnerabilities. Outdated or unpatched libraries can be exploited by malicious actors to gain unauthorized access to your website or inject malicious code.

Furthermore, the complexity of page builder-generated code can make it more challenging to audit and secure. The extensive markup, styles, and scripts they generate may contain hidden security flaws that are not immediately apparent. Ensuring the security of your website built with a page builder often requires a thorough code review and regular updates to address any potential vulnerabilities.

Additionally, because page builders are widely used and popular targets for attackers, they may attract more attention from malicious actors. This increased visibility can make page-builder-based websites potential targets for hacking attempts, further underscoring the importance of strong security measures and regular monitoring.

To mitigate security risks when using page builders, it's crucial to stay vigilant with software updates. Ensure that both your page builder and all related plugins or extensions are kept up to date to patch any security vulnerabilities promptly. Implement strong password policies, use security plugins, and regularly back up your website to recover in case of a security breach. Additionally, consider working with experienced developers who can conduct security audits and help maintain your website's integrity. By taking a proactive approach to security, you can minimize the risks associated with page builder-based web development.

SEO Challenges

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for ensuring your website ranks well in search engine results and attracts organic traffic. While page builders offer convenience in web development, they can introduce several SEO challenges that need to be addressed.

  1. Limited Control Over Markup: Page builders often generate HTML markup and code that may not be optimized for SEO. This can affect the way search engines crawl and index your site. The lack of control over the markup can make it challenging to implement SEO best practices, such as properly structured headings, meta tags, and semantic HTML.
  2. Page Speed Issues: As mentioned earlier, page builders can lead to slower-loading websites due to the excess code and scripts they generate. Page speed is a critical factor in SEO rankings, and slower websites may rank lower in search results. Optimizing page builder-generated code and assets for speed can be more complex than with custom-built websites.
  3. Schema Markup and Structured Data: Implementing schema markup and structured data is essential for enhancing search engine visibility and providing richer search results. However, some page builders may not provide easy or flexible options for implementing structured data, which can hinder your SEO efforts.
  4. Content Duplication: Page builders often rely on templates and modules to create web pages. If not used carefully, this can result in content duplication, where similar content appears on multiple pages. Search engines may penalize websites with duplicate content, impacting your SEO rankings.
  5. Mobile Optimization: Mobile optimization is a critical aspect of SEO, as search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites. Some page builders may not create fully responsive designs, leading to mobile optimization challenges that can affect your site's ranking in mobile search results.

To address these SEO challenges when using page builders, it's essential to take a proactive approach. Review and optimize the generated code to ensure it follows SEO best practices. Use SEO plugins or tools to help manage on-page SEO elements like meta titles, descriptions, and headings. Regularly test your website's performance and mobile-friendliness to identify and address any issues promptly. Ultimately, while page builders offer convenience, ensuring strong SEO performance may require extra effort and attention to detail to overcome their limitations.


Page builders like those integrated with WordPress have their advantages, notably in terms of ease of use and cost efficiency. However, it's crucial to recognize their limitations and potential downsides, particularly in terms of customization, performance, and long-term viability. Before choosing a page builder for your web development project, carefully consider your specific needs, technical requirements, and the trade-offs involved. While they can be a valuable tool, it's important to assess whether the benefits outweigh the potential drawbacks in your particular case.

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